Reiki Gods Love

Welcome to Rekas Reiki

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Four Qualities of Reiki

"These four qualities of Reiki are: The ability to do Reiki comes from receiving an attunement, rather than developing the ability over time though the use of meditation or other exercises. All Reiki techniques are part of a lineage. This means that the technique has been passed on from teacher to student through an attunement process starting with the one who first channeled the technique. Reiki does not require that one guide the...
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reiki Healing

As a clairvoyant, during healings I am often given visuals. These are the animals I visioned for a recent client: Eagle DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE Intelligence, Renewal, Courage ANIMAL SPEAK Illumination of Spirit, Healing, Creation Otter DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE Joy, Play, Helpfulness ANIMAL SPEAK Joy, Playfulness, Sharing Seal DRUID ANIMAL ORACLE Love, Longing, Dilemma ANIMAL SPEAK Active Imagination, Creativity, Lucid Dreaming
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reiki is not a religion, nor new age

"Though Reiki may be considered spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. Neither is it a new age practice or cult. There is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki works whether you believe in it or not. Reiki has been used by practioners of Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Islam, and others. It is a spiritual practice which compliments any faith as a "hands on" healing practice.While Reiki is not tied to any religion, Dr. Usui recommended that a person live in a way that promotes...
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International Astrology Day

On March 21st, exactly at the beginning of spring, astrologers celebrate the International Astrology Da...
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Recommended Site: Light and Love Reiki a little more about Starlene.... a Reiki Master/Teacher, Intuitive, Crystal & Gemstone Therapist and Astrologer, studying metaphysical subjects for as long as she can remember, and have been assisting others on their own spiritual paths full time since the year 2000. She works with Tarot cards, the Angels, Spirit guides, as well as other "mediums" to connect with the spiritual world.Be sure to join...
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reiki Training

I had a chance to audit Reiki 1 again last weekend and Reiki 2 yesterday through Arise Counseling. The experience was great. Since I've been doing Reiki (since last Thanksgiving) I have discovered that I am clairvoyant (visually receptive). I'm not saying that I have ESP. I am extremely intuitive. And during the light trance induced by Reiki, I receive incredible images. I am now coming to trust it. I felt much closer to this small group,...
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Monday, March 9, 2009

Reiki for Kids

How can Reiki help children?Behavioral problems in children are often linked with emotional traumas and their family situation. We accumulate emotional traumas from the moment we are born (even before) and throughout our lives these hinder us in our personal development and growth. Children who 'misbehave' are often externally expressing their anger at something they do not know how to deal with.All emotional traumas carry a negative energy...
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

The reiki principles

There are five basic principles of reiki. These are:Just for today do not angerJust for today do not worryEarn your living honestlyHonour your parents, elders and teachersGive gratitude to every living thing and every situati...
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Kundalini Reiki

"Kundalini Sanskrit, literally "coiled". In Indian yoga, a "corporeal energy"- an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force or Shakti, envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent coiled at the base of the spine, hence a number of English renderings of the term such as 'serpent power'. Kundalini is considered a part of the subtle body along with chakras (energy centres) and nadis (channels). Each chakra is said to contain...
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Usui Reiki

"Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, in Japan, Usui claimed to receive the ability of "healing without energy depletion". A portion of the practice, tenohira or palm healing, is used as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Tenohira is a technique whereby practitioners believe they are moving "healing energy" (a form of ki) through...
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reiki Update

Last night was Reiki trade number four with my Shirley. She has a roommate who is becoming a Rabbi and he practices energy work in his tradition. We decided to include him in the trade. So he showed us how to do some energy scanning, using tones for the chakra areas, very like a e i o u. And then Shirley and Victor worked together on me. I couldn't tell from the table where both of them were, nor could I distinguish between Reiki and...
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Reiki Healing Touch

I am trained (attuned) in Usui Reiki first and second degree. I also am attuned to Kundalini Reiki (all 3 degrees).Reiki is both a hands on form of palm healing and a Buddhist spiritual practice."Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, in Japan, Usui claimed to receive the ability of "healing without energy depletion"."It...
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reiki Update

Last night I had my third Reiki trade with Shirley. I forgot to write about our second share. I learned Reiki 1 with laying hands directly on the body. She learned to just touch the aura. So on our second trade I tried "her" way. I think they are both valid. I am experimenting with touching the aura and mainly find that I can feel energetic responses more intensely. So last night we talked about my need for grounding. She sent Reiki...
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reiki Update

As you've all noticed, I've been delving in the art of Reiki since Thanksgiving when I received my first training. Apparently there are various forms of Reiki. Just as Christ didn't mean to create all the denominations, I doubt that's what Usui Sensei (or the divine light beings) intended. But oh well. It just makes it a little confusing for me. But I'm sure it will all settle out.That aside, I met with a good friend, Shirley, last night...
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4 directions 7 seals ailments akashic records Allison Brooks altars Andromeda angel colors animal spirit totems Aphrodite Aquarius archangels Arcturian Arcturian Rainbow Healing Aries Artemis Ascended Masters ascension Atlantis auras bach flower remedies Benefits of Reiki between lives Books on Reiki bootes Cancer canis major Capricorn Chakra Energy Centers chakras Christ Consciousness Christmas clairvoyance color healing color rays colour grids colour rays Common Gems Associated with Charka or Reiki treatments cord cutting crystal healing crystals cyrstals density dimensions distance healing divine blueprint DNA druyan sagan ECETI El Morya emotions Essential Oils Etheric experience of reiki extended chakras Fifth Ray First Degree Reiki Attunement First Ray fixed stars focus wheel forgiveness rituals four qualities of reiki Fourth Ray Friday Gemini goddess Green Tara Greg Guest Blog Hecate Hilarion Hygeia hypnosis initiations International Astrology Day Isis Jesus Josh Kundalini Reiki Kuthumi Lemuria Leo Libra Light Language Lineage Lyra magenta pixie mantra Mary Master Jesus meditation mermaids Metatron Michael Michael Teachings Monday Mother Mary my crystals not religion Nut Orion Oshun past life Paul the Venetian Pendulum personal reiki updates personal updates Pisces plant allies pleiades PLR psychic protection raise your vibration rays reading recommended site red overlay regression Reiki for Kids Reiki Healing Touch Reiki Principles Reiki Self-Treatment Hand Positions Reiki Services/Fees sage Sagittarius Saint Germain Sandanda Saturday Scorpio Second Ray Serapis Bey Seven Rays seven seals Seven Soul Types Seventh Ray sirius Sisterhood of the Rose Sixth Ray solstice soul purpose Space Clearing Specific Crystals for Healing Addictions spiritual aspects of healing addicitons St Germain St. Germain star name starseeds stonehenge replica stress subtle bodies Sunday tarot Taurus The Archangel Report Third Ray Thursday Trivia Tuesday UFO Usui Reiki Vega Violet Flame Violet Ray Virgo Wednesday Weight Loss What is Reiki good for? winter solstice yule z budapest

My Lineage


Starlene Breiter

Starlene Breiter

High Priestess Verria

for Rainbow Starseeds

for Rainbow Starseeds
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Rays, 2015

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunement

Light and Love Reiki Attunements

Light and Love Reiki Attunements
Rev. Starlene Breiter, my trainer for Reiki Master 2011

Lorelynn Cardo

Lorelynn Cardo

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing
Lorelynn Mirage Cardo, Ph.D., my Reiki II teacher 2009

Sheila King

Sheila King

Reiki House

Reiki House
Sheila King, my Reiki I teacher 2008

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