Last night was Reiki trade number four with my Shirley. She has a roommate who is becoming a Rabbi and he practices energy work in his tradition. We decided to include him in the trade. So he showed us how to do some energy scanning, using tones for the chakra areas, very like a e i o u. And then Shirley and Victor worked together on me. I couldn't tell from the table where both of them were, nor could I distinguish between Reiki and his energy work, but it was calming and intense at the same time. It was not as visual as usual, but that's ok. I did see a giant white lotus, like a glowing candle. And we were also discussing angels, as I'd just been reading about kaballah (for Adrian). Did you know that angels have no gender (even tho they have gender specific names at times...?). Anyway I saw a large winged being that was almost fiercely protective of me. Awesome. Then Shirley and I did Reiki on Victor together. We just took a side and mirrored each other exactly. What was weird was it felt like we were one being. It was almost like a ouija board.* If she moved, I moved and vice versa. I saw images of egyptian deserts and sunsets. And I saw a falcon with a hood. I saw myself as an astrologer again and felt that Victor was probably a Hierophant.
*not that I am endorsing ouija boards
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