Reiki Gods Love

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Common Gems Associated with Charka or Reiki treatments


Amethyst: Physic ability, third eye, intuition, release addictions, 6th 7th 8th Chakras


Calcite, Amber: Vitality, clarity, sensory awareness,1st & 7th Chakra



Flourite: Mental enhancement, clarity, cleansing energy fields, 6th Chakra

Sodalite: Access subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhance insight, mental performance, 6th Chakra


Agates: communication, confidence, mental clarity, meditation, 5th Chakra

Calcite, Blue: physic ability, astral travel, soothing emotions, 5th & 6th Chakra


Pink or Green Tourmaline: purification, protection, 4th

Calcite, Emerald: relaxation, stress relief, emotional balance, 4th Chakra

Emerald: Love, compassion, healing, abundance, 4th Chakra 

Unakite Jasper: Healing, balance, release bad habits, patience, attunement,

All Chakras especially 4th Chakra


Rose Quartz: Love and feelings of well being, releases stress, emotional healing, 4th Chakra



Chrysoprase: spiritual growth, compassion, connection with nature, forgiveness, 3rd & 4th Chakra

Carnelian: Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, healing, 3rd Chakra

Jasper: Physical strength, vitality, stabilizes energy, 1st & 2nd Chakra


Black Tourmaline: purification, protection, 1st Chakra, Pink: 4th Chakra Green: 4th


Onyx: Inner strength, focused attention, will power, dicipline, reason, 1st 3rd 6th Chakra


Obsidian: Psychic protection, grounding, cleansing of negativity, spirit communication, 1st Chakra

Apache Tears: Grounding, protection, enjoyment of physical experience, emotional cleansing, 1st 2nd 4th Chakras


Rhodolite Garnet: Emotional healing, self-worth, walking the spiritual path, 1st 4th 7th Chakra

Bloodstone: cleansing, grounding, blood disorders, vitality, 1st Chakra

Tiger's Eye: Gold, protective, absorbs neg. energy1st 2nd 3rd Chakra

Blue Tiger's Eye, balance, vitality , strength,1st 2nd 3rd Chakra


Clear Quartz: energizer, conductor, intensifier, All chakras

Rutilated Quartz: Programmable, attunement, amplification, All 


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