Reiki Gods Love

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ECETI Conference

I happened by chance to find out about a conference on the weekend of World UFO day, at a location quite near where I live.  It was a pretty overwhelming weekend actually.  Sort of blew my mind -- yes I did see UFOs! -- but also I had quite an active skeptic left brain commentary going as well.

See also:

World UFO Day

Mt Adams, Trout Lake, ECETI

Mt. Adams at dusk

Seth, Solreta, Patrick, ?, Shannon

Jim Marrs, crop circle lady, Laura E., comic, James G.


    1. Solreta Antaria

      • Active 1 week ago
      • 113 videos
      Seen on TV, Solreta was born with Clairvoyant abilities, she can tune into a person's energy field (aura), seeing colors & symbols ...
      • CHANNEL

Solreta Antaria is a Hynotherapist and ET Communicator. She does interactive aura drawings and also documents UFOs in Australia. I found her to be very likeable, authentic and humble.

She suggested using your hands to scan the sky to look for craft, like you use your hands to scan energy.  She also speaks Star Language, from her Sirian soul essence.  She mentioned Edgar Cayce fortelling the indigo children, of which she is one.  On her channel, is a regression she had by Mary Rodwell (which I need to go watch)!

Psychic Readings, Aura Drawings, ET & UFO Contact - Home

Solreta is a caring, compassionate International clairvoyant born with natural psychic ability, known as the ET communicator Solreta specializes in Aura Drawings, ...

    1. Seth L

      • Active 4 days ago
      • 12 videos
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Seth L. is an Experiencer with quite a sweet heart, in a rough exterior package.  I thought he was doing the sound for the conference at first, due to his sports shirt and trucker hat and tattoos (I'm one to talk on that front).  But he shared a powerful message of Unity Consciousness from his heart.

The Eceti Ranch with James Gilliland - Full Documentary

  • 11 months ago
Check out “The Eceti Ranch with James Gilliland” by the Australian Eceti crew Peter Slattery and Solreta Antaria. See James ...

James Gilliland is the founder of the ranch. He shared some of his thoughts about human history, beginning with Denosovian Man, which the Lyrans added genetics to create a hybrid.  Later after the continents split and there was a pole shift, Pleidians came and brought animals and plant life here, as well as creating Atlantis and Lemuria.  He believes the Draconian grid is ending and the Christ Consciousness grid is being installed.

  1. About 5,820 results

    1. Peter Maxwell Slattery

      • Active 2 weeks ago
      • 205 videos
      Peter Maxwell Slattery is an author, international speaker, meditation teacher and is also known as an E.T contact experiencer.
      • CHANNEL

Peter Maxwell Slattery is Solreta's partner and he is a UFOlogist and investigator of the paranormal. He was quite enthusiastic (and sometimes hard to understand due to his accent).  He shared his personal experience with The Elohim, The Archons,  Ley line portals, Pleidians and several other beings.  The best thing he said was about multidimensionality, "Do you want to ascend this part of you?!"

    1. Laura Eisenhower

      • Active 4 months ago
      • 19 videos
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    2. r More Exclusive Information on UFO ...

Laura Eisenhower seems to be a brilliant astrologer, and at first she really blew my mind, but ultimately I could not filter out her tangential thinking.  She referenced Lisa Renee of quite a lot.  She made a joke about her own ADD, as meaing "Attention on Different Dimensions."  I took so many notes, but I can't make sense of them now.  She did suggest that there were 12 Tribes, which are 12 Stargates, and there are 12 planets and 12 signs. We are supposed to have a 12 center Tree of Life instead of the 10 center one that is Draconian.  She made a lot of reference to the 13th sign Ophicius, being the 13th Gate.  She talked a lot about ET Government secret treaties.


  1. Arizona / Cyprus
  2. Florida / Jerusalem
  3. Bermuda / Johannes
  4. Giza / Central America
  5. Machu Picchu / Vatican
  6. Russian / India
  7. Titacaca / Greece
  8. China / Tibet
  9. Tibet / S. England
  10. Iran / Iraq
  11. S. Ireland / S. England
  12. France/ Kuaai


1,2,3D personality
2,4,5,6D soul
7,8,9D oversoul (monad)
10,11,12D avatar, Christos
13,14,15 D founder consciousness

5 Platonic Solids

earth - hexahedron
air - octahedron
fire - tetrahedron
water - isocohedron
either - dodecohedron

2 tetrahedrons = Merkaba


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My Lineage


Starlene Breiter

Starlene Breiter

High Priestess Verria

for Rainbow Starseeds

for Rainbow Starseeds
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Rays, 2015

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunement

Light and Love Reiki Attunements

Light and Love Reiki Attunements
Rev. Starlene Breiter, my trainer for Reiki Master 2011

Lorelynn Cardo

Lorelynn Cardo

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing
Lorelynn Mirage Cardo, Ph.D., my Reiki II teacher 2009

Sheila King

Sheila King

Reiki House

Reiki House
Sheila King, my Reiki I teacher 2008

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