- Monday
- "When the Seven of Swords appears reversed in a reading it may be indicating that during a struggle you chose to relax or ignore something at the wrong time, and this results in the other party taking advantage, leaving you confused, deflated and defeated.There may also be a feeling of being blocked into a difficult set of circumstances."
- Oooh interesting, this card reversed also warns against False Pride. I'd say this applies to her, personally while the more general description pertains to your situation with her.This card can also indicate dishonesty, cheating or lying."Honesty is the huge theme with the Seven of Swords reversed. Where have you been dishonest in your life? What lies do you tell yourself? In what areas of your life do you perpetually live in denial? Do you present yourself to others authentically?"Ok so Card 3 is you.... The High Priestess!!! I nearly fell over when I turned this card over.
- "The high priestess is the ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation. If you receive the High Priestess in your reading then the time has come for you to understand the balance necessary to get what you want out of life. She is the mystery of the mother, of the moon and of life. The High Priestess is a guiding card, telling you that right now you are on a path of enlightenment. It can represent multiple aspects of your life showing a true understanding of your own wants and needs. Now is the time to follow on your instincts and trust that internal feeling. You know you better than anyone else and that means that you also know what is best for you. It is okay to seek counsel or advice from others but make sure that their wants for you are not overshadowing what your own heart tells you."
- There is a strong maternal feel with this card, hence the connection of this lesson to the one with your own mother. Also a call to remember the Universal Mother, this will help prevent the constant appearance of fractal "mother situations".You have what you need within you, stop looking for external validation.Ok Card 2, What brings you together.....Queen of Cups Reversed.
- "The reversed Queen of Cups reminds us to treat ourselves with love and compassion. Regardless of your past or your circumstances, you are worthy of love and respect. However, there may also be a literal woman in your life whose loving energy may have turned to anger. Watch for this, and if possible, help this woman to understand the things that are happening in her life. "
- "Spirituality: When you pull the reversed Queen of Cups in this context, you may be hungry for immediate spiritual experiences and growth. This card reminds you that, again, good things take time, and that part of being loving is to be patient. Be open to - and proactive about - growth but don't be in a hurry. "
- There is also a warning here not to get emotionally over-invested in the process, there has to be balance, also I see this as when you deal with an unbalanced person, we sometimes can start to follow their patterns unconsciously. We need to remain our own self, again - boundaries. Not getting sucked into an emotional storm while remaining loving. It's a big lesson. A very fraught one....
- "Life is a continuous process of "becoming". You are free to go in any direction - live your dream and you will be triumphant in any undertaking. You are free to choose your own path at last, for you have learned your lessons well. Vibrations are good for any changes you wish to make. You can accept new responsibilities and make others happy too, for you have gained insight, have applied yourself well and it is now within your power to make important decisions - others will rely on you. Never forget what it took to get you here - your consciousness is now ready to reach a higher level."
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