There are thousands of ways to work with color, as many as your imagination can create. A few very basic methods are:
Center yourself and ask the color ray to come into your body. Imagine it in your mind's eye and see it slowly descend into your crown chakra as a large ball of light. Bring the color into your body with slow rhythmic breaths. Focus on the attributes of the color as you do this. Strive for a five-minute session with each color you wish to receive but even 1 or 2 minutes is very helpful.
Surround yourself with the color you wish to absorb. Wearing clothes, scarves, undergarments and shoes; sleeping in colored sheets and blankets; painting your home, displaying art, etc., in your desired colors -- with INTENTION -- is very effective.
Wear as jewelry, sleep with or keep near, gemstones, crystals or minerals of the desired colors. Hold them in your hands or place them on your body as you meditate. Gemstones such as ruby, emerald, diamond, amethyst, etc. are extremely powerful for they are emanations of the purest concentration of the Rays. This is the real reason why gems are so valuable.
I wish to stress that intention, aware intention, is very necessary for maximum benefit when working with color. It is your inner awareness and stated desire to claim the power of the colors and their attributes that make all the difference of just "grabbing something to wear" and intentionally selecting a garment for empowerment and spiritual expansion. You can do this with your clothes and jewelry every day, not just when attending a special event.
Each Color Ray also has a Flame. The Rays are a soft form of the color energy. They will wrap around you like a warm embrace. The Flames are the Rays in action. They look just like fire, but in the specific color of the ray. Flames "burn" without pain or damage. They are living Divine Fire. These flames are stepped-up frequencies of the color rays and each one has a specific function on our physical, cellular, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. For example, many are aware of the Violet Flame and it's power to transmute negative thoughts, emotions and deeds into positive energy - the alchemy of lead into gold."
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