1st Seal Divine Will
Morya (frequently referred to simply as M.) is H. P. Blavatsky's Master and one of the Mahatmas that inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society. He engaged in a correspondence with two English Theosophists living in India, A. P. Sinnett and A. O. Hume, when Mahatma K.H. went into retreat for a few months. This correspondence was published in the book The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett.
- First Ray: Master Morya. "He stands with all the unshakable and serene strength of His Ray, playing a great part in that work of guiding men and forming nations."
- Ashoka
KEY WORDS: Will for Purpose Self Reliant Self-governing A Leader Mindfully creative Functions best at the top alone Strength Expectant of the almighty Intuitively self assured Urge for victory Might Authoritative Power without Pride On fire with purpose Rarely depressed Spiritually stimulating to others Preplanning Capable of monumental tasks Life and action are synonymous Great manipulator of men Self changing Speaking the truth without intimidation Steadfast
If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Aries, Leo, or Capricorn, you are functioning on the FIRST RAY OF WILL/POWER. (7th Root Race future, fire, Uranus, Sun) / Aries can also be Ray 7. Leo can also be Ray 5. Capricorn can also be Ray 3.
Soul Level: The use of spiritual will for the benefit of the collective; power utilized for the purpose of enhancing unity and beauty; the expression of will for the purposes and well-being of the group.
Personality Level: Ray of soldier, statesman, ruler, explorer, leader, government, politics, and administration. “The energy of the First Ray acts as a catalyst, breaking up old existing conditions so that new ones may eventuate. 1st Ray mind capable of one-pointed concentration and prolonged study (egg head). Mental isolation of unique genius, over reaction to criticism, which may well up as volcanic temper. Love of reading books chosen for a purpose, usually extracting knowledge and search for synthesis. Mental domination, with or without cruelty.
1st Ray Astral body has difficulty expressing emotions because they are so deep seated. They have difficulty forming emotional attachments and relationships, though once formed they are loyal.
1st Ray bodies relatively rare. Power on the physical plane. Dramatic, fiery intense energies, organized, stiff, awkward movements, lanky "ectomorph", very strong, dislike being touched, ascetic, strong "head" emphasis, powerful brain radiation
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Indira Gandhi, Patton, Helena Blavatsky Charles Dickens, Jesus, Walt Whitman Xerxes, Che Guevara |
First Ray Of Will or Power
- Ray Color – Scarlet Red
- Chakra, Plane and Element (liberated correspondences) – Head centre, Adi, Sea of Fire
Historical Ray 1 figures: Patton, Franklin Roosevelt, Charlemagne, Anwar Sadat, Chancellor Bismarck, Adolph Hitler, Mohandas Gandhi, Mikhail Gorbachev, Hercules, Winston Churchill, Mussolini, Margaret Thatcher, Paul Keating, Khrushchev, Luther, Carlyle, Walt Whitman, Napoleon, Kitchener.
Tapestry of the Gods http://makara.us/04mdr/01writing/01tg/tapestry1.pdf
The Ray of Divine Will and Power is transmitted through Aries, Leo, and Capricorn
Esoteric Psychology - the Seven Rays, Dr. Douglas M. Baker
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