2nd Seal of Omniscience
If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces, you are functioning on the SECOND RAY OF LOVE/WISDOM. (6th Root Race future, Neptune, Jupiter) / Gemini can only be ray 2. Virgo can also be ray 6. Pisces can also be ray 6.
Soul Level: The urge to bring about a sustaining, loving wholeness to any group or life situation; the ability—through magnetic attraction—to bring about healing; the focus for the stimulation of consciousness, and hence for greater love/wisdom; the ability to see beyond differences into unifying principles.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (2A) emphasis: To develop a deep, intuitive loving understanding of people, the better to nurture them and help them evoke the divine pattern of their being.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (2B) emphasis: To develop a wise and comprehensively inclusive understanding of life in order to carry illumination to others.
Personality Level: Ray of teachers, people in the healing and service professions. 2nd Ray personality bodies are calm, unrippled, powerful but not always obvious personal magnetism. They do many things very well. They understand people, their motives and impulses. They give people the benefit of the doubt, while underestimating themselves and questioning their own motives. It is difficult for them to detach from people. 2nd Ray people love books for the sake of learning rather than for their usefulness, most appealing when they go into endless and all-encompassing detail, making them good scholars.

2nd Ray astral body is always calm and unruffled. It dislikes displays of emotion. Spouses may sometimes think them cold fish. They carry love with them everywhere they go but it is a discriminating and well-disciplined love. When criticised, their first consideration is for the person who levelled the criticism and that he be thank for his concern. The 2nd Ray Astral hoards books and alway skeep a library from which they can lend out their books to the group.
2nd Ray physical body would be rare (2%). Small and slight frame, soft skin, petite, likes to pile hair on top of head (Carmen Miranda). Very sensitive, inactive, love of ease and idleness, magnetic, nonassertive, needs to be touched or hugged, fear of physical impact, excessive shielding of the body, strong "heart" emphasis, emphatic
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Carl Jung, Florence Nightengale, Alice Bailey Abraham Lincoln, John the Baptist, Edgar Cayce Albert Einstein, Buddha |
KEYWORDS: Impulse of initiative Exemplary
Promoting brotherhood For the good of the whole
Feeling in co-operative endeavour Spiritually intuitive
Sensitive to others needs Illumined
The ideal for others Relieving the woes of others
Generous Reforming
Spiritually sympathetic Calming
Compassionate Love Power
Wise energy output Universal love
Loving Aspiring to help
Love despite imperfection Imbued with a sacrificial nature
Social Servant Predisposition for detail
Koot Hoomi (also spelled Kuthumi, and frequently referred to simply as K.H.) is one of the Mahatmas that inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society. He engaged in a correspondence with two English Theosophists living in India, A. P. Sinnett and A. O. Hume, correspondence was published in the book The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett.
- Second Ray: Master Kuthumi. "Ray of Wisdom, which gives great Teachers to the world."
- Gampopa
Second Ray Of Love – Wisdom
- Ray Colour – Indigo Blue
- Chakra, Plane and Element (liberated correspondences) – Heart centre, Anupadaka, Akasha
- Chakra, Plane and Element (normal correspondences) – Heart centre, Buddhi, Air
Historical and Famous Ray 2 Figures: Buddha, Christ, Plato, Pythagoras, Albert Schweitzer, Abraham Maslow, Mother Theresa, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Alice Bailey.
Tapestry of the Gods http://makara.us/04mdr/01writing/01tg/tapestry1.pdf
SOUL: "The Dynamics of the Second Ray Soul
- The Experience: The energy and influence of the ray two soul are experienced as a glowing suffusion of loving wisdom.
- Contribution: One of the greatest contributions of the second ray soul is the service of lovingly and wisely teaching others—utilizing empathy and compassionate understanding to help them grow into their full potential and become whole.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (2A) emphasis: To develop a deep, intuitive loving understanding of people, the better to nurture them and help them evoke the divine pattern of their being.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (2B) emphasis: To develop a wise and comprehensively inclusive understanding of life in order to carry illumination to others.
- Selflessness and altruism: Those with ray two souls find it natural to ‘give themselves away’ and to put other people first. They have a highly developed capacity for identification, easily slipping, as it were, into the identity of others—walking the proverbial mile in their brother’s moccasins. For them, decentralization is a spontaneous soul impulse. Since they are not inclined to fortify their own center, they can easily become totally interested in other people, relating to them with the closest spiritual
- intimacy."
The Ray of Love and Wisdom is transmitted through Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces
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