Reiki Gods Love

Welcome to Rekas Reiki

Monday, December 29, 2014

ArchAngel Report

Yes we have something to say.

Dear Child of God,

Dear goddess, the reason for your discomfort with people is because you are selecting the wrong people to associate with. This stems from feelings of unworthiness. This is not meant as a judgment dear one, for you have been hurt and disappointed in the past. You are a very powerful priestess and have had past lives in which others turned against you out of jealousy. Even your family. You were turned in and burned at the stake. You must release these past lives. Although you may not be able to easily tap into them now, this will change in the future/year to come. Release the old pain that is no longer serving you. Do not approach new relationships/friendships and make them pay due for what others did to you in the past. This is a two way street. As you project on others, they serve as a mirror. Remember, all people in your life are a mirror of who you are in that moment. Do not judge others, or get angry, but be grateful for the lessons they are teaching you for they are indeed your great teachers that are reflecting to you that what must be healed in you. The “triggers” are what you need to face about and heal about   yourself. How do you do this? It is actually quite simple. Love. Put love into every situation, every encounter. Send mentally compassion to others. Forgive others. This is crucial. We know you have ancient wisdom and know how to do this. First step is focusing only on yourself. The time and energy you spend loving and caring for others, now turn onto yourself. You deserve love. First it must come from within. It is okay to enjoy being with yourself. And as your vibration gets higher, the right people will automatically come into your life. And the wrong ones will quickly drop off. The women in your current group are all looking for the same thing as you, love and acceptance. However, they don’t know how to get it therefore they are working on the surface in hopes it will work its way out. It must first begin within. You already know what styles and colors work on you and enjoy assisting others to do this. 

This all comes down to assisting women to feel good about themselves, to accept and love themselves. They are all seeking outwardly for validation, approval or insight. This all comes from within. However, sometimes the outside propels and inspires change on the inside. You may do this. The reason you do not enjoy doing therapy anymore is because it feels one sided. To discuss issues round and round, you feel you are not of service anymore. And you are right. Although you are a healer and alchemist, the institutional way is no longer working for you. Like other spiritual teachers who began in institutions, they eventually had felt their higher calling to utilize their intuitive and spiritual skills. To do more holistic and spiritual approaches. This can be achieved with which ever avenue to decide to take. Follow your heart, beloved, allow your Passion to drive your course. Not stability and safety. For as long as you do what is in your heart, and follow your intuition and guidance, abundance Will be yours. Guaranteed! 

First the love, then the joy, then the prosperity will come. It will be simultaneous. This next year is a powerful year for changes and manifesting. Use it! Take a chance! Jump of the cliff and find your wings. Fly!

Yes, we have something else to say. You need to forgive your brother. This still ways on you. It is time to cut the cords. As Archangel Michael to assist you. Say “I call on Archangel Michael, I ask that you please cut all cords that no longer serve me. Please heal these severed cords. And surround me in your royal purple color”. This will cut cords with even those people you are not aware you are still attached to. 

Your Mother needs to be forgiven. Forgive her. Release it. For it no longer serves you. The reason you were given the most challenging relationships/family members is because these are the people in your past lives that did the most damage to you. It is time to release yourself from them. With love and compassion. For them, for yourself. For as the planet ascends to a higher frequency and to the 5th dimension, they will only hold you back and become more painful. When they need not be. This life time, you selected to have these people in your life so you may end the karmic cycle with them. As Gaia has entered into the 4th dimension, all Karmic contracts are coming to an end. And the New Earth begins, full of joy, love and abundance! Think of it this way dear one, they are not really your family members but old acquaintances you had a falling out with. Now you have been put together to with them to release all bad feelings. Free yourself dear one. You know how to do this. Just let it go. And you will feel so much lighter. Make love and compassion your main priority. If you are doing something, do it because you want to and it makes you happy. Or don’t do it!! You do not owe anyone anything. This is not meant to be negative, for thinking of yourself first, what is good for your highest self is self-love. 

Love yourself. True friends and people who really love you will honor this. Those who do not, let them go for they are no good for you. They use you and drain you. Again, release them with love and compassion. Forgive them for any wrong they did you. And forgive yourself for putting up with it as long as you did. You do not have to be right all the time, in a sense of debate and hostility. Nor engage with or tolerate this from others. Do not be afraid to love. We know even reading the word makes you cringe. 

What that feeling is, is fear. Fear of being hurt, of being vulnerable. Do you put up a wall of facts and pretenses? Be your glorious self. For if you could only see yourself how we see you, you would see the radiating, wise and strong goddess that you are. Surround yourself with like-minded people who support you and are open to your views. Leave the rest behind!

We love you and are so very loved. As Sabina has mentioned in the healing portion (I wrote that portion first and did your healing before doing the reading) you have many who love you, guide you and protect you. We are so proud of you and love you so very much. You are Never Alone. We are real, and we are always with you (I just felt you will feel warmth and an expansion of your heart in this moment).

(Lots of energy for this reading. My computer was going crazy, fonts kept changing and letters repeating on their own. You are beginning to grow into your powers and your energy is getting stronger/higher. Keep going!)


Now I know why I waited to do your healing. I got a new Citrine crystal today and the angels had me use it for your healing. I did this at sunset for maximum impact.

A first for me. You were in water, inside a cave and the water was glowing green. Green is the color of healing. I invited your guides and angels to participate in your healing (also a first as I did all other healings myself) and 5 goddesses joined. The healing was done in the water with you floating, like a communion. The goddesses stood around you and I stood at your feet. We healed your stomach/digestive problems. Then your entire body. You may feel prickly sensation for a day or two, like pins and needles. Then we healed your sexual trauma in your vaginal area. It bloomed and opened like a flower. Isis was there for this. This was a body healing. Then we worked on your higher-self and cleared your chakras. Your solar plexus was very blocked and when it cleared I felt it very powerfully. Your heart chakra was also in need of deep clearing. You will begin to feel much better as this will heal your digestive, sexual and fibromyalgia. 

Each of the goddesses put an amulet around your neck for protection and continued healing. You were a goddess in a robe and had a crescent moon painted on your forehead. You were a priestess in Lemuria and have a strong connection to water. You probably felt this when you recently visited the ocean. Make it a point to visit water, ocean, lake or river as often as you can for it brings you healing and balance. I sense you may be moving somewhere closer to water in the near future. Go into the New Year revitalized and joyous for many blessings and changes are heading your way. All good ones! Blessed be.

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

How to Raise Your Vibration or Frequency

Teal - The Spiritual Catalyst

Also 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

"1. Find something beautiful and appreciate it.
Beauty is all around us, from the morning dew to the evening stars and everything in between. Most go through life not noticing all the beautiful things that are around them, and yes it's every where, so take the time to notice them, and appreciate them when you see it. Whether it's the scent of a flower or the way rain ripples in puddles of water, appreciate the beauty life has to offer.

2. Make a list of all that you are grateful for.
Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you do not have to what is already abundant in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. You can start with “I'm Alive!” and expand from there. Gratitude is the Attitude.

3. Meditate.
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress, Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. 10 Minuets of meditation a day can change your life forever.

4. Do something for someone else.
Giving to someone else shifts your thinking from “I don't have enough, to I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration.

5. Stop complaining and gossiping.
Complaining and Gossip puts you in a very low vibration. Ask yourself “Are the things you are talking about bringing you more of what you want?” if not then, Stop complaining, and start finding ways to rejoice.

6. Move. Exercise. Get active.
Vibration requires movement, the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.

7. Realize that you have more control over your life than you thought.
You are not a victim to circumstance, past, family upbringing, trauma, or anything else. You can change your life in an instant. Just realize this. In many wisdom traditions this is called “total responsibility.” No one is responsible for how you feel right now but you. It isn't a curse. It's a blessing because it gives you your power back.

8. Breathe.
Just sit and try to make your breath longer, fuller, and more relaxed. It has a direct affect on your nervous system and helps to calm you down. A calm vibration is a high vibration.

9. Do Something You're Afraid Of
Fear holds us back from being in a state of love and happiness, and facing those fears opens you up to a greater world of possibilities. Fear of Heights? Go skydiving. Scared of public speaking, say a poem at an open mic. You'll begin to realize your fear was worse then the actual problem, and a sense of relief will wash over you.

10. Have a Meaningful Conversation with a Friend
Rather than gossip or complaining, talk about you ideas. What do you have planned for yourself? what do you think is the nature of reality? Are we spiritual beings having a human experience? Talking about these things with someone helps to raise both your vibrations by thinking big. If you don't have someone to talk to about these kinds of things with, there's a community of higher minded individuals right here. Leave a comment down below and let's chat!"

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Focus Wheel

I love  this video showing this amazing technique to set your intention.  The example shows having a vibrant, healthy and sexy body. 

Here is a template for your printing pleasure:

This is a walkthrough on how to use the Focus Wheel process, given by Abraham-Hicks (

Here is a blank Focus Wheel for you to work with if you don't feel like drawing:

The Focus Wheel is a fantastic little process to use when you want to change your vibrational alignment—in other words, feel better—regarding any subject, whether it be finances, a relationship, or a bodily condition.

After some practice, you can whip your vibration into shape using this process in a matter of a few minutes.
He is in no way affiliated with Abraham-Hicks. At least in this dimension.

Set your intention and align your vibration with it!
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Archangel Report


Report 1: Guidance $20
Report 2: Insight $35
Report 3: Healing $65
Skype Sessions $150/hour

"Welcome to the Archangel Report. It is not a coincidence that you have come to this website, as your Angels have guided you here. You are not alone, and are very loved, always. The Angels are always available to help you and I can show you how. I do not use tools such as Angel cards, but connect directly with the Archangels, Angels and your personal Guardian Angels to answer any of your questions or issues. Receive answers from the past, present, or future. The Angels also offer insight into areas of pain, growth, and opportunities for development and healing you may not have considered or are consciously aware of. I am an Archangel Therapist and Healer, and I am here for you. I use powerful Angel Light to heal you physically, emotionally and spiritually. You deserve to, and are able to, live a life with optimum balance and wholeness of body, mind and spirit. You just need a little help to get started. The Angels and I are here to help you."

Endorsement:  Sabina and I became friends through a mutual hobby/interest in color, but also psychology and metaphysics.  I have become a repeat customer of her Archangel Reports.  I have recommended them to several people in person and on several of my blogs.  She is highly intuitive and provides a direct connection to receive messages from your personal angels and spirit guides.  She has revealed things to me that would not be possible to be known as they are highly personal and specific.  She has helped me in a time of need for deeper spiritual healing.  I recommend you try out her reports!
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Forgiveness Rituals
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Cord Cutting

ArchAngel Michael is known for helping cut cords

Cal on ArchAngel Michael to end soul ties with exlovers or even energetic influence of anyone in your life whom you are releasing.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

ArchAngel Report

ArchAngel Michael

Yes we have something to say.
 Dear Child of God, You are loved very much.
You always have your angels and guides with you, and you are never alone. First of all, back away from doing color/computer hobbies for a while, as your dark mood attracts other such energies, which only fuels your lower frequency. Something happened to you when you were young. A grandfather/grandfather figure hurt you. This created a dark energy within you. You are not dark, Sweet One, as this resides in you, not of you. This entity craves destructive things, such as alcohol, drama, anger, fear and resentment. You were a powerful priestess in your past life, and you also dabbled in dark magic. This fear you continue to carry within. Making you afraid of your own power. You search for yourself in everyone, and everything. However, the real you resides within. However, you are too afraid to look within. You must be cleansed first of this dark entity. [I have someone that can help with this. Let me know if you would like additional information]. If you have not gone to the shop keeper, then do so. Otherwise your guides will direct you to a healer. You need a healing, as this will heal and realign you within. This can be done with Reiki, and you will find a trust worthy healer for this. Your Guardian Angel will guide you, if this is what you wish. Once you come lighter, you will desire more high frequency people and activities. With like-minded people. You spend too much time in your mind, and this also creates an imbalance. You obsess and attract others who do as well. What was once light and fun, ends up a battle. With no prisoners. Only you. All answers are in you. Yet, you must take the time to spend with yourself. To ponder programs and theories only exhausts you, leaving no room for other ideas or activities. What are you afraid of? This is the first question to ask yourself. As to fear your guides and angels, is to fear the truth. For they only deliver the truth. What in the mirror are you frightened of? We advise for one month, to step away from all internet hobbies. Only use the computer/internet for your paid daytime job. Consider this a vacation for yourself/higher self. You have lost touch with your higher self. As your mind is occupied. Start your mornings slow, eat light and go to bed early. You need rest. You have been in a frenzy that continues to run in circles. Rest. Quiet. Write down your dreams. You will/have been receiving messages. Do not contemplate. Just BE. Be with yourself. No more running away. As you cannot run away from yourself. During this time off, seek healing. There is reiki woman in your area. She will do the necessary clearing [this would occur after expelling the dark energy I mentioned above]. Go as often as you can, to get realigned. As you are out of balance, Dear One. Once you are cleared, sit outside and start writing. There are emotions from your past that you have not dealt with. This is holding you down as well. To function at a higher frequency, is to tie cords with all those who do not serve you. This was advised before. To say you are lazy is untrue. You are expending your energy in the wrong direction and activities. After a month, you will feel better. Like you have awakened from a long nap. And will explore the world with new eyes. Insight Your mother and grandmother, they have a hold on you that creates turbulence within you [holds can continue to occur after death as well]. You are an empathy, and are easily affected by other’s moods. As such, others have the ability to drain you of your energy. This is true for your husband as well. You both sped the day being drained by others and none is left over for yourselves or each other. It is advised to learn how to shield. Archangel Michael can help with this. A simple statement such as “Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me with your protective shield” and he will be there. Ask for help form you guides and guardian angels by saying “I call on my spirit guides and guardian angels. I ask for focus, direction, discipline, counsel and love”. This takes no effort at all. Just ask for guidance, and listen to your promptings. There are no limitations on what help you may ask of your angels, or how often. A hundred times a day even. They are there, Sweet One, eager and ready to help you. Ask however you would like, out loud or in your head. But you must ask, otherwise they are unable to assist. They love you very much, and are always there to help and guide you. Ask Archangel Michael to help you with cutting cords, as well. To those who continue to draw upon your energy. You must heal, Dear One, and cut yourself free first. Then you will find your passions and desires reawakening. You may find the prompting for a new career path. Utilizing your skills, and incorporating your new found abilities. You must first take the time for yourself and to be by yourself. It is difficult for a healer to heal, when they themselves need to be healed. You are a great healer, Dear One, and will heal again. Love yourself enough first, then you will be able to share that love and light. Not fear, darkness or obligation. We love you very much, ask for help. You have already begun this, not continue on your path, back to self. Namaste
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Thursday, July 3, 2014

ArchAngel Report for Greg

Yes we have something to say. Dear Child of God, First of all, you are so loved.

And we are so proud of you. Music has always been a passion of yours, one that you’ve allowed to lapse. You love the guitar and have not taken the time to play and master it. By tuning into your love of music, this will ring forth the creativity of spirit. You are very creative with your work now, and this is wonderful. Music, however will tap into your more primal desire, and your soul will sing. We encourage you to sing as well, as this will allow your spirit to fly. As well as open your throat chakra. You have not been communicating your needs/desires lately. And allow others more importance over your own well-being. Sweet one, it is OK to say no when it is your truth. For this honors yourself and your higher self. Meditation will be important/instrumental for you. This will be an activity that will bring you much clarity and focus. By this we mean clarity and focus on yourself. Your higher self has taken a backseat. You have allowed strong personalities at work and home to cramp your creativity. You are the go –to guy when everyone needs a favor. Yet, you feel alone and unsupported. This is simply untrue, sweet one, for you are very loved, admired and appreciated. By all but yourself. Your work brings you close to nature, and that is wonderful. Now allow time into your life for other things that are just for you. Once you begin to mediate in nature you will flourish. And all of your magic will begin to open up. You were once a powerful sorcerer, and can easily tap into these gifts. For they are still within you, dear one, it is just a matter of unlocking them. Take baths in sea salt, especially after a difficult day. As this will cleanse you of any darker/toxic energies. You are an empathy, and are easily affected by other people’s moods. Especially the low moods of others. You can learn to shield from this. You may ask Archangel Michael for help with this. A simple phrase such as “Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me with your protective shield”. All the angels are available to assist you. You may find it enjoyable to study the different Archangels and ask for their assistance. They are always available. You are such a gentle and loving soul, we love you so very much. You are never alone. Your angels and guides are always with you. Yes, we have additional insight. Your father was not an easy man to live with. And his stern views on everything affected you deeply. After his passing, you put yourself into your work to become successful, to make him proud even after parting. That you began to neglect your spiritual side. This is a side you always had, and although it was a side your father did not approve of, you did not give it up until after he passed. This is normal, child, as you felt you must live up to some legacy or expectation. Especially since there was a sense of guilt after his death. Please know, loved one, there is nothing to feel guilty about. Darker/weaker souls like to grip onto those of light. To feed off of their energy. This was the case with you, light one. This is why it is important to shield. So you may use your light to raise the frequency of this Earth. And not to be sucked down and dry by energy vampires. Your wife as well, gets easily drained. This affects your marriage. There is a lot of love between you. Take time for each other in nature. Make love outdoors. This will ignite both of your souls and desires. For sexuality is love, and this brings you closer to the Source. Your brother/brother figure will approach you about a business opportunity. Your first instinct will be to run. However, take the time to consider the proposal. Although some tweaking will have to be done to accommodate your needs, this may prove to be a prosperous opportunity for you. There will be a class that will be offered, on spirituality. You will come across this by chance, when visiting a store with your wife. You will not pay it much attention at first. However, you will be drawn to it. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to grow in your spirituality and abilities, as well as meet new like-minded people. That is another thing we would like to address with you, that you do not pay enough attention to the signs around you. Mediation and nature will allow you to get more grounded to pay attention to the signs around you. Both from your intuition, as well as your Guardian Angels and spirit guides. You have many spirit guides. Owl has been trying to communicate with you. Study the owl totem/spirit guide, and pay attention to your dreams and promptings. You have so much light and abilities within you that are waiting to be discovered and unlocked. Once you do, the flood gates will open and you will progress very quickly. This is a special time in history on this planet. As the frequencies are being raised higher and the vail of illusion is thinning. This is a very auspicious time to tap into your spiritual and magical well. Namaste
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ArchAngel Report

Yes we have something to say.
 Dear Child of God, First off please know you are loved. Always have been, always will be.

What a tough childhood you had, sweet one. To feel so different. To feel so much. You did not know how to handle your abilities. And you still do not. Food has been a sense of comfort for you, as well as punishment. For you feel unworthy of love, to be loved. Even to love yourself. If you could see yourself as we you, you would laugh and smile from joy. To give so much to others, strangers, loved ones, animals. But never to yourself sweet one. It is time to give to yourself. Spend time on yourself, with yourself. Meditation would be great for you. We know you have tried it before, and are skeptical. However, please take note meditation does not have to be bells and whistles. A walk alone in nature. A bath. A nap. To BE with yourself. That is the true essence of meditation. You dedicate so much time and thought in discovering yourself, and others, that you are actually running away from yourself. Stop. Rest. Pause. Smell the roses. Plant some roses, and vegetable. Get your hands in dirt, this will soothe you.


Your grandmother wishes to come forward. “My sweet dove. How I miss you. My gentle flower, how you have blossomed. I am so proud of you. I am sorry for your Mother. She really meant well. She just could not understand/tolerate a gifted child. And you were left alone so often. Please know Grandpa/Grandpop and I were always with you. Looking over you. Celebrating with you. I know your father has really hurt you. All of us. Please try to forgive honey, so your light can brighten. Tell the “kids” I love them, and miss them. At Christmas, light a candle for me. I always liked that.” 

 Dear beloved, we are your Guardian Angels and are very excited to connect with you. We whisper often to you and wish you would listen more. Your diet. Yes, you can lose weight. This is easy once you let go and forgive. All those that have wronged you. You may do this in one “ceremony”. There is someone you know who can help you. A shop owner you have met. Once the baggage and heaviness is lifted from your soul, the weight will fall off. Eat lots of vegetables. Fruit in moderation. Soy is not good for you. Limit this. Make/eat potatoes, to hardy your meals and digest easily for you. Pasta is good (whole wheat). Zucchini. Replace soy milk with almond milk. Soy has a chemical you are sensitive/allergic to and is making you sick. You have an illness. A recent one. This is an illness of the mind (stress). An illusion. Follow the advice given/above and this will go away. Your body does not like medications. You are taking too many. Clogging yourself. Limit and eliminate, and use natural herb remedies instead. You were a great herbalist, and this will come naturally to you. It will brighten you soul too. Step away from electronics, and spend time in nature. This is where your mind rests and soul sings. You are a woman of the earth. A Goddess. Claim this/it. We love you so much. Call on us. The fairies are waiting for you too, and will come in your dreams. Look for messages soon. We love you. That is all.


After the reading I sensed a brother figure who was present/lingering. But did not come forth as he is not one of your guides. But, he wants you to know he loves you. And is sorry. And to forgive yourself as this was his choice/time. And there was nothing you could have done. Anyone could have done. He is in a better place and is laughing now. He had a great sense of humor and you guys laughed often. Wow, he has a grin/teeth! He wants you to laugh again, this will make him happy. He loves you sis. Peace out. (Jane, this is the first time I’ve had a non-guide member come to me after the reading ended. But he really wanted me to share this with you. It is outside of my realm to communicate with spirits unless they are one’s guides. As I close the readings for all energies and only open to my angels, your angels and guides, and God. But he was very persistent and came with so much love. I wanted to offer this to both of you. I am teary eyed right now, but feel the love and sigh of relief from both of you. He thanked me. And is with many angels.)
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4 directions 7 seals ailments akashic records Allison Brooks altars Andromeda angel colors animal spirit totems Aphrodite Aquarius archangels Arcturian Arcturian Rainbow Healing Aries Artemis Ascended Masters ascension Atlantis auras bach flower remedies Benefits of Reiki between lives Books on Reiki bootes Cancer canis major Capricorn Chakra Energy Centers chakras Christ Consciousness Christmas clairvoyance color healing color rays colour grids colour rays Common Gems Associated with Charka or Reiki treatments cord cutting crystal healing crystals cyrstals density dimensions distance healing divine blueprint DNA druyan sagan ECETI El Morya emotions Essential Oils Etheric experience of reiki extended chakras Fifth Ray First Degree Reiki Attunement First Ray fixed stars focus wheel forgiveness rituals four qualities of reiki Fourth Ray Friday Gemini goddess Green Tara Greg Guest Blog Hecate Hilarion Hygeia hypnosis initiations International Astrology Day Isis Jesus Josh Kundalini Reiki Kuthumi Lemuria Leo Libra Light Language Lineage Lyra magenta pixie mantra Mary Master Jesus meditation mermaids Metatron Michael Michael Teachings Monday Mother Mary my crystals not religion Nut Orion Oshun past life Paul the Venetian Pendulum personal reiki updates personal updates Pisces plant allies pleiades PLR psychic protection raise your vibration rays reading recommended site red overlay regression Reiki for Kids Reiki Healing Touch Reiki Principles Reiki Self-Treatment Hand Positions Reiki Services/Fees sage Sagittarius Saint Germain Sandanda Saturday Scorpio Second Ray Serapis Bey Seven Rays seven seals Seven Soul Types Seventh Ray sirius Sisterhood of the Rose Sixth Ray solstice soul purpose Space Clearing Specific Crystals for Healing Addictions spiritual aspects of healing addicitons St Germain St. Germain star name starseeds stonehenge replica stress subtle bodies Sunday tarot Taurus The Archangel Report Third Ray Thursday Trivia Tuesday UFO Usui Reiki Vega Violet Flame Violet Ray Virgo Wednesday Weight Loss What is Reiki good for? winter solstice yule z budapest

My Lineage


Starlene Breiter

Starlene Breiter

High Priestess Verria

for Rainbow Starseeds

for Rainbow Starseeds
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Rays, 2015

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunements

Pleiadian DNA Attunement

Light and Love Reiki Attunements

Light and Love Reiki Attunements
Rev. Starlene Breiter, my trainer for Reiki Master 2011

Lorelynn Cardo

Lorelynn Cardo

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing

Arise Counseling & Energy Healing
Lorelynn Mirage Cardo, Ph.D., my Reiki II teacher 2009

Sheila King

Sheila King

Reiki House

Reiki House
Sheila King, my Reiki I teacher 2008

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