During a Reiki session I gave today, I saw quite a few symbols*, but the most important one was a woman in a white robe with white dove. When I asked her name, I thought I hear Astoria or Ashtara* (my Pleiadian connection), or more likely Astarte. Upon further research I realized that Astarte is associated with the Pleiades. They are her seven doves. Astarte is also associated with Aphrodite.
The Symbolism of the Dove A. Andrew Gonzalez,
“Unio Mystica” 1.“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place… "To Sicily's Greeks she was
Aphrodite, and she came to be identified strongly with the Phoenician Astarte. To the Romans she was
Venus, and the very word veneration derives from her Latin name and the act of worship. Truth be told, one deity isn't always directly comparable to another;
Astarte may not have begun her life among worshippers as being a Phoenician or Carthaginian Aphrodite. She was indeed venerated across the Mediterranean, including Egypt, long before anybody thought of Aphrodite, who was either based on Astarte or greatly influenced by her cult. "
"Most ancient cultures and cosmology describe seven stars. The main star of the cluster is Alcyone, along with Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygete, Celaeno, and Sterope -- daughters of Aphrodite. In Greek the word pleiades means "dove." The leader of these doves, Alcyone, was said to bring good weather for the planting season alluding to the rising of the Pleiades in the spring."
"Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the
dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus."
"We offer incense to Thee, the God Uranus, Consort of Urania Astarte. Mighty God, Thy Body is in the cloud-filled firmament that encircles the Pleiades, who are
Astarte's doves and the shining moon and the Morning and Evening Star, all sacred to the Queen of Heaven. Thy shadow falls across the earth bringing shade to trees and plants. Bring us nobility and far-reaching purpose that strengthens the good in all things."
Festival of Astarte and Adonis
Liturgy rites of the Fellowship of Isis, as originally written by Olivia Robertson.
"Most ancient cultures and cosmology describe seven stars. The main star of the cluster is Alcyone, along with Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygete, Celaeno, and Sterope -- daughters of Aphrodite. In Greek the word pleiades means "dove." The leader of these doves, Alcyone, was said to bring good weather for the planting season alluding to the rising of the Pleiades in the spring. "
The 7 sisters are daughters of Aphrodite and she is associated with Astarte.
* Other Symbols
"slow down to swim through your emotions"
"do some careful planning"
"remember to nurture yourself"
"embrace changes in environment and emotions"
Anna May & Fritz on peanut farm
Ballerina Music Box
Martin NY
treasure from the depths of the sea
peace and restful sleep
"development of intuition"
Tell Ashtara (Arabic: تل عشترة) also Aštartu, was a site south of Damascus mentioned in the Amarna letters correspondence of 1350 BC. In the Amarna letters the city is named Aštartu, and is usually identified with theBiblical 'Ashteroth Karnaim'.