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Case 23It is not surprising that case 25 uses reiki in her work on Earth. Reiki
Dr. N: Puruian, I would like to know if your spiritual training in
soul restoration is used by you in your earthly assignments?
S: (subject evidenced some surprise as this information began to
unfold in her mind after my question) Why ... yes... I didn't realize
how much until now ... only those of us who want to continue
working in this way on Earth are called transformers.
Dr. N: What is the difference? How would you define a transformer?
S: (laughs in recognition) As transformers we do repair jobs on
Earth—we are the cleanup crew—transforming bodies to good
health. There are people on Earth who have gray spots of energy
which cause them to get stuck. You see it when they make the same
mistakes over and over in life. My job is to incarnate, find them and
try and remove these blocks so they make better decisions and gain
confidence and self-value. We transform them to be more
productive people.
Dr. N: Puruian, I would like to clarify the differences in spiritual
training, if any, between restoring souls in the spirit world and
transforming energy on a physical world?
S: (long pause) Some parts of our training are the same but...
transformers are sent to other worlds between lives to study— those
of us who like working with physical forms.
Dr. N: Describe the last training you had as a transformer before you
came back to Earth.
S: (struck by my question, there is a dreamy response) Oh ... two light
beings came from another dimension to work with the six of us.
(Puruian's independent study group) They showed us how... to keep
our vibrational energy into a tight, beamed focus—not scattered. I
learned to pinpoint my energy to be more effective.
Dr. N: Were these beings from a physical world?
S: (in a soft tone) More like a gas sphere where their intelligence
exists in ... bubbles... but they were so good. We learned ... oh ... we
learned ...
Dr. N: (gently) I'm sure ... Let's return to the practical use of what you
learned now that you are more aware of the origins of your skills. Tell
me how you apply this spiritual knowledge in your energy work today
as a transformer soul on Earth?
S: (a look of wonder) It's ... there now... in my mind ... I see why it
works ... (stops)... the focused beam ...
Dr. N: (pressing) The focused beam ... ?
S: (earnestly) We use it as a laser—rather like a dentist would drill out a
decayed tooth—to pinpoint and clean up gray energy. This is the fast
way. It is harder for me to use a slow procedure which is longer lasting
and even more effective.
Dr. N: Okay, Puruian, remember you are explaining to me how you use
your spiritual training and earthly training in combination to heal
energy. You have the memory right now of both aspects. Tell me
about the slow method.
S: (takes a deep breath) 1 close my eyes and kind of go into a semitrance
when I cup my hands near my patient's head. I see now thai
whal I have learned in the spirit world helps me more than what I
learned in my classes down here. I guess that doesn't matter, really.
Dr. N: We receive power to help others from many sources. Please go on
about your healing by the slow method with your patients on Earth.
S: Well, I work with geometric shapes, such as spirals of energy,
forming them in my mind to match the configuration of the particular
trouble spot. Then I lay these energy structures around the gray
areas. This sets up the areas to be repaired with my slow healing
vibrations, like placing a hot pad on a sore muscle, (pause) You see,
these souls were damaged on the way in and this ... infirmity ... only
grows worse as the body develops on Earth.
Dr. N: (surprised) Back up a minute. What do you mean, "damaged on
the way in"? I thought your work on Earth mostly involved
contaminated energy from life's trials?
S: That's only part of the problem. When souls enter the human body
on Earth they come into dense matter. Their host bodies, after all,
contain primitive animal energy which is thick. The soul has a natural
sort of pure, refined energy which does not easily blend with some
human hosts. It takes experience to get used to all this. The younger
souls especially can be damaged. They get knocked off their tracks
early on and are ... twisted.
Dr. N: And you might project different energy configurations with
different people who are your patients.
S: Uh-huh, that is the job of the transformer. Their damaged energy
lines are so ... squiggly ... they must be rearranged to remove the toxic
energy. These muddled souls are so unbalanced that a lot of our work
must be directed at all the cells of the body where negative energy is
trapping the free flow of the positive. When this is performed
properly the soul is more fully engaged with the human brain.
Dr. N: This sounds very worthwhile, indeed.
S: It is gratifying although I still have a lot to learn, (laughs) We call
ourselves psychic sponges for refined energy.
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life ...$11.00 - Amazon.comDestiny Of Souls - Newton, Michael ...$11.17 - eBay |
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