Reiki Gods Love

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

ArchAngel Report for Greg

Yes we have something to say. Dear Child of God, First of all, you are so loved.

And we are so proud of you. Music has always been a passion of yours, one that you’ve allowed to lapse. You love the guitar and have not taken the time to play and master it. By tuning into your love of music, this will ring forth the creativity of spirit. You are very creative with your work now, and this is wonderful. Music, however will tap into your more primal desire, and your soul will sing. We encourage you to sing as well, as this will allow your spirit to fly. As well as open your throat chakra. You have not been communicating your needs/desires lately. And allow others more importance over your own well-being. Sweet one, it is OK to say no when it is your truth. For this honors yourself and your higher self. Meditation will be important/instrumental for you. This will be an activity that will bring you much clarity and focus. By this we mean clarity and focus on yourself. Your higher self has taken a backseat. You have allowed strong personalities at work and home to cramp your creativity. You are the go –to guy when everyone needs a favor. Yet, you feel alone and unsupported. This is simply untrue, sweet one, for you are very loved, admired and appreciated. By all but yourself. Your work brings you close to nature, and that is wonderful. Now allow time into your life for other things that are just for you. Once you begin to mediate in nature you will flourish. And all of your magic will begin to open up. You were once a powerful sorcerer, and can easily tap into these gifts. For they are still within you, dear one, it is just a matter of unlocking them. Take baths in sea salt, especially after a difficult day. As this will cleanse you of any darker/toxic energies. You are an empathy, and are easily affected by other people’s moods. Especially the low moods of others. You can learn to shield from this. You may ask Archangel Michael for help with this. A simple phrase such as “Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me with your protective shield”. All the angels are available to assist you. You may find it enjoyable to study the different Archangels and ask for their assistance. They are always available. You are such a gentle and loving soul, we love you so very much. You are never alone. Your angels and guides are always with you. Yes, we have additional insight. Your father was not an easy man to live with. And his stern views on everything affected you deeply. After his passing, you put yourself into your work to become successful, to make him proud even after parting. That you began to neglect your spiritual side. This is a side you always had, and although it was a side your father did not approve of, you did not give it up until after he passed. This is normal, child, as you felt you must live up to some legacy or expectation. Especially since there was a sense of guilt after his death. Please know, loved one, there is nothing to feel guilty about. Darker/weaker souls like to grip onto those of light. To feed off of their energy. This was the case with you, light one. This is why it is important to shield. So you may use your light to raise the frequency of this Earth. And not to be sucked down and dry by energy vampires. Your wife as well, gets easily drained. This affects your marriage. There is a lot of love between you. Take time for each other in nature. Make love outdoors. This will ignite both of your souls and desires. For sexuality is love, and this brings you closer to the Source. Your brother/brother figure will approach you about a business opportunity. Your first instinct will be to run. However, take the time to consider the proposal. Although some tweaking will have to be done to accommodate your needs, this may prove to be a prosperous opportunity for you. There will be a class that will be offered, on spirituality. You will come across this by chance, when visiting a store with your wife. You will not pay it much attention at first. However, you will be drawn to it. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to grow in your spirituality and abilities, as well as meet new like-minded people. That is another thing we would like to address with you, that you do not pay enough attention to the signs around you. Mediation and nature will allow you to get more grounded to pay attention to the signs around you. Both from your intuition, as well as your Guardian Angels and spirit guides. You have many spirit guides. Owl has been trying to communicate with you. Study the owl totem/spirit guide, and pay attention to your dreams and promptings. You have so much light and abilities within you that are waiting to be discovered and unlocked. Once you do, the flood gates will open and you will progress very quickly. This is a special time in history on this planet. As the frequencies are being raised higher and the vail of illusion is thinning. This is a very auspicious time to tap into your spiritual and magical well. Namaste


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