St. Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rákóczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count of St. Germain (fl. 1710–1784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer.
- Seventh Ray: Comte de St. Germain. "He works to a large extent through ceremonial magic, and employs the services of great Angels."
7th Seal of Grace
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7A) emphasis: To bring regulated, rhythmic order out of the chaos of human living by providing the practical “grounding” for much needed ideas—building them into useful forms and integrating them into wellestablished, excellently organized patterns of activity.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7B) emphasis: To become instrumental in creating group and organizational transformation by redesigning and restructuring the patterns of human culture and civilization, so that a “New World Order” may more rapidly emerge.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7C) emphasis: To create or participate in the magical rituals of the New Age, thereby invoking and instituting the divine energies which relate spirit and matter according to the Divine Plan.
- Mahachohan
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Thomas Jefferson, Henry Ford, Confucius Audrey Hepburn, Alester Crowley Sigmund Freud, John Locke, Jackie Kennedy Onassis |
"If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn, you are functioning on the SEVENTH RAY OF CEREMONIAL ORDER & MAGIC. “The Seventh Ray’s main function is to work for the infusion of the energies of spirit with the substance of matter…. It is the working of the Seventh Ray which aids in the fusion of the Soul and the personality, and the resulting reorientation of an individual’s life purpose and direction. It is this process of Soul infusion that can be symbolically rendered by the Seventh Ray alchemist as the process of changing lead into gold. The hope for the Aquarian Age, the Age of the Seventh Ray, is for such a ‘golden’ collective transformation and reorientation to take place for humanity…. The recognition of the esoteric value of crystals in terms of their healing properties has been reawakened from its origin in ancient, magical traditions. One should take note of the fact that the color particularly associated with the Seventh Ray is violet. Of all the many kinds of crystals available at the present time, the amethyst variety seems to be especially popular.
The function of the Seventh Ray is to change those forms, both physical and mental, which are no longer of service to the Plan of unfolding evolution of creativity…. The energy behind the New Age is Jupiter, esoteric ruler of Aquarius, and the planet most closely associated with the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom. It is this factor that is the great hope for the future of humanity.
Soul Level: The urge to gather, formulate, and harmonize various aspects of a given set of life circumstances into an ordered expression for the Will of God; the urge to make ‘heaven on earth.
Personality Level: Ray of the master of ceremonies of any event; film or stage producer; ritualist and shaman; organizational bureaucrat.
General Positive Traits: Care in detail, perseverance, strength, and self-reliance; the ability to bring forth order out of chaos; often able to merge the powers of will (Ray One) with cohesiveness (Ray Two) to produce material results (Ray Three).
General Character Difficulties: Too rigidly adheres to rules and regulations; may sacrifice self-determination to follow orders set down by superiors; may be very interested in omens and superstitions (especially if the Sixth Ray is also strong); pretentious, formal, follows ceremony mechanically.
To Be Cultivated: Humility, gentleness, tolerance, open-mindedness, greater realization of world unity.”"
Historical and Famous Ray 7 Figures: Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Drake Leonardo Da Vinci, General Kitchener, Aleister Crowley, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Merlin, Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, Jackie Onassis, Audrey Hepburn.
The function of the Seventh Ray is to change those forms, both physical and mental, which are no longer of service to the Plan of unfolding evolution of creativity…. The energy behind the New Age is Jupiter, esoteric ruler of Aquarius, and the planet most closely associated with the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom. It is this factor that is the great hope for the future of humanity.
Soul Level: The urge to gather, formulate, and harmonize various aspects of a given set of life circumstances into an ordered expression for the Will of God; the urge to make ‘heaven on earth.
Personality Level: Ray of the master of ceremonies of any event; film or stage producer; ritualist and shaman; organizational bureaucrat.
General Positive Traits: Care in detail, perseverance, strength, and self-reliance; the ability to bring forth order out of chaos; often able to merge the powers of will (Ray One) with cohesiveness (Ray Two) to produce material results (Ray Three).
General Character Difficulties: Too rigidly adheres to rules and regulations; may sacrifice self-determination to follow orders set down by superiors; may be very interested in omens and superstitions (especially if the Sixth Ray is also strong); pretentious, formal, follows ceremony mechanically.
To Be Cultivated: Humility, gentleness, tolerance, open-mindedness, greater realization of world unity.”"
Historical and Famous Ray 7 Figures: Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Drake Leonardo Da Vinci, General Kitchener, Aleister Crowley, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Merlin, Kofi Annan, Tony Blair, Jackie Onassis, Audrey Hepburn.
Tapestry of the Gods
SOUL: The Dynamics of the Seventh Ray Soul
- The Experience:The energy and influence of the seventh ray soul are experienced as the urge to manifest divine ideas in perfect form.
- Contribution: One of the greatest contributions of the seventh ray soul is the service of helping others organize their lives so thoroughly, and manage their affairs so effectively, that their highest dreams are transformed into accomplished realities.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7A) emphasis: To bring regulated, rhythmic order out of the chaos of human living by providing the practical “grounding” for much needed ideas—building them into useful forms and integrating them into wellestablished, excellently organized patterns of activity.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7B) emphasis: To become instrumental in creating group and organizational transformation by redesigning and restructuring the patterns of human culture and civilization, so that a “New World Order” may more rapidly emerge.
- Soul-inspired aspiration—type (7C) emphasis:To create or participate in the magical rituals of the New Age, thereby invoking and instituting the divine energies which relate spirit and matter according to the Divine Plan.
- Selflessness and altruism: The selflessness of the seventh ray soul is based upon an understanding of organismand the division of labor upon which any properly functioning organism (or organization) relies. Seventh ray selflessness grows out of true humility, which is, in occultism, “an adjusted sense of right proportion” (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 256). Those whose souls are upon the seventh ray can estimate, quite specifically, the position and function of any part within a whole. This estimation reveals both the relative importance and unimportance of the part. Relative “standing” and relative “value” (which is always seen in relation to the group) are both revealed."
Esoteric Psychology - the Seven Rays, Dr. Douglas M. Baker
The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic is transmitted through Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn
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