Reiki Gods Love

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

What the Seven Rays mean to me

Why am I creating so many series of images about the Seven Rays?  Why am I devouring info related to it, and not really summarizing.  I'm incredibly visual.  So when I read something, I need to turn it into an image to remember it.

You will notice that the usual correlations of colors to the rays do not go in the order of the rainbow, for whatever reason.

We each have one of the Rays correlated with our Soul, and usually another Ray correlated with our Personality. Sometimes we are able to fulfill the path of our Soul filtered through our Personality, but often this is subconscious and we are so unaware that we actually miss our higher purpose.

Then we also have Rays defining the nature of our subtle bodies.  Those are prevalent in different percentages. (which aren't confirmed)  Some Rays aren't currently incarnated in correlation to a few of these aspects.

The Physical Body Ray  is one of the ones we can see.  My body is Ray 6, which often have lymphatic problems and obesity and are unconscious mediums.

So how do you figure out your Rays?

It's unclear...


I love Arcturian Rainbow Healing which is related to the rays of the rainbow correlating to the chakras.  The Seven Rays also correlate with the chakras.



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My Lineage


Starlene Breiter

Starlene Breiter

High Priestess Verria

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for Rainbow Starseeds
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Rays, 2015

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Lorelynn Cardo

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Arise Counseling & Energy Healing
Lorelynn Mirage Cardo, Ph.D., my Reiki II teacher 2009

Sheila King

Sheila King

Reiki House

Reiki House
Sheila King, my Reiki I teacher 2008

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